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My name is Tiantian Yang. I am a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma, School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science. My research focuses on water resources management, reservoir operation and optimization, coupled natural and human systems, machine learning predictive models and their applications to emerging problems related to water-energy-climate nexus. 


I got my bachelor’s degree in 2009 from Tsinghua University in China. My master and Ph.D. education have been focused on optimization theory, physical-based hydrological modelling, and coupled human-natural systems (i.e. reservoir system) at the University of California, Irvine. I obtained my PhD degree in 2015, and my PhD dissertation was entitled “A Framework to Provide Optimal Management Strategies for California’s Reservoirs in Achieving Sustainable Water Supply and High Hydropower Productivity” under the mentoring of UC Irvine Distinguished Professor and NAE member Dr. Soroosh Sorooshian.

Work Experience

After graduation, I spent a short period of time as a post-doctoral scholar in UC Irvine, then joined Deltares as a Research Scientist and Hydrologist. Deltares is an independent water research institute in Delft, Netherland and subsidiary in Maryland, USA. The former of Deltares is the Delft Hydraulics. In 2008, Delft Hydraulics, GeoDelft, and a number of Dutch government agencies merged together and named the new institute Deltares. The institute has been providing clients from over 35 countries, in Netherland and abroad, with expert advice and technical assistance on water-related issues for over 75 years.


My primary research focuses in Deltares are reservoir operation, hydropower modeling, water system decision-making, and optimization algorithms for real-time control, serving Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), BC Hydro, Manitoba Hydro, Tennessee Valley Authorities (TVA) with their reservoir systems, and the Community Hydrologic Prediction System (CHIP) platforms by National Weather Service (NWS) and its River Forecast Centers across the states. 


After a few years in Deltares, I started an academic career at the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science (CEES) at the University of Oklahoma as a tenure-track assistant professor. I enjoy the diverse life of doing research, mentoring students, teaching undergraduate/graduate courses, and providing my services to my local and professional community. 

Research Vision

I endeavor to reflect the importance of innovative research, applied sciences and the instinct value of any scientific research. I desire to use my innovative, creative and evolving scientific philosophy and knowledge to contribute to my community, my colleagues, my students, the researchers have connection with me, and those I have never met. I always look forward to future challenges, research and educational projects to continue to grow the nation’s understanding and awareness of issues in hydrology, climate, water resources, water-energy-food, the importance of coupled human-natural system, as well as the fundamental theory and modeling development. I always devote myself to original and innovative research, and thrive to make pioneer scientific contribution to my society, nation, and community. I strongly believe innovative research relies on original theorem development on existing knowledge, but more importantly, innovative research in one particular field comes from a foundation of transferable knowledge, technologies, sciences, and human capabilities from various other research fields. I always presume my past research and published papers as they were always flawed in a certain way, which becomes the unlimited source of motivation to keep me un-shacked, released and readily to explore more original and significant sciences in my life. I deeply believe there is a research trend and a crucial need by our society to blend interdisciplinary expertise from various fields, and to build a foundation of knowledge, technologies, human capabilities, and relationships that positioned in academic institutes with relevant industries, non-profits, and state/federal agencies, to thrive in a future with constrained energy and water resources in a changing global climate. 



Water Resources Management

Weather and Climate Extremes

Watershed Modeling

Reservoir Operation

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Optimization Theory

Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Statistical Modeling

The Science & 

Mathematics University

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