Funded Ph.D. Student Position in 2026
(New position available. Start date Spring 2026 or Fall 2026. Please contact Tiantian.Yang@ou.edu with your resume/interests)
There will be one graduate (Ph.D.) student position available
The Ph.D. research focus will be one or two of the following areas:
artificial intelligence
Weather Scale Forecasts
Climate Change
water resources
streamflow prediction
environmental science
reservoir/lake operation
optimization theory
climate modeling and impacts
water-energy-food nexus
remote sensing/radar precipitation observation
physical hydrologic/land-surface models
statistical modeling approaches (machine learning and data mining tools)
The research direction (topic) will be determined based on project requirements, as well as the applicant’s interest and background.
The ideal candidate will have a strong ability and motivation to learn, and have the ability to develop original research. A good communication skill is also needed for candidates to present his/her work in major conferences and write research articles. The following skill sets are preferred but not mandatory:
(1) A M.S. or Bachelor's degree in related fields (Civil, Mechanical, Environmental, Natural Resources, or other fields with strong math training)
(2) A strong programming skill (Julia, Matlab, Python, or any language of the candidate’s choice).
(3) An ability to lead undergraduate students to finish research tasks.
(5) Self-motivated, and is able to work individually and collaboratively in a dynamic working environment.
To apply, please send the following documents to Dr. Tiantian Yang (tiantian.yang@ou.edu)
(1) CV or Resume
(2) unofficial transcripts
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in 2026
(New position available. Start date beginning of 2026. Please contact Tiantian.Yang@ou.edu with your resume/interests)
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position is available with Prof. Tiantian Yang in the School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Science at the University of Oklahoma.
Researchers with backgrounds and interests in the following area are encouraged to apply:
Hydrologic Modeling
Artificial Intelligence
Water Resources Planning and Management
Reservoir Operation and System Optimization
Extreme Weather and Climate Change
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Ensemble Forecasts
Ensemble Streamflow Predictions
The postdoctoral research fellow will be leading innovative research activities, exploring potential research areas, and collaborating with faculty and graduate students at the University of Oklahoma and the National Weather Center.
The position will be supported by funded research projects. The initial term will be one year. Renewal of the appointment will be based on satisfactory performance and funding availability.
Salary will be based on experience. Successful applicants will be provided with competitive health/dental insurance as a part of the benefits package.
For consideration, interested applicants should send a current CV to Prof. Tiantian Yang (Tiantian.Yang@ou.edu).